Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In Pursuit.

For the Evangelical heart and its zeal
for the crusade of love that entails
for the gospel of a broken heart
and the verse of shattered dreams

For the eyes that drip melancholy rain
for the feelings that know no restrain
for the broken soul of a solitary knight
who wouldn't give up the fight

For the grain of sand that slipped through your hand
for the time amorous and visions grand
for the castle in the air and the ship that will take us there.

For the lofty wishes like a flying dove
make your home in a lonely heart's cove
for I've made a space for two
one half is me
The better half is you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Have you thought about it lately?

Have you thought about it,lately?

If  we ever meet, some how , somewhere
What would you say to me, when we meet?

If you would feel those stirrings, you think you would never feel.

If I were to serenade you with a song, you never heard before.
What would you do, when I take you in my arms?

Have you thought about it, lately?
You have met me somehow, somewhere.
If you just look around through the faces in the crowd.

You would find me,looking at you.
Waiting for you to say something to me.
Trying to awaken those stirrings you think you would never feel.
Wanting to serenade you with my song.
Waiting to take you in my arms.

Waiting for you, to think about it.