Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Love Too Hard To Swallow

As I watch you blowin' smokin' rings,
with a smile on your face, uttering sweet nothings.

Yeah, baby its true, When I'm with you, I'm fakin' it too.

There was a time, when we were people, who were in love,
with conversations as true and free as a flyin' dove.

But I guess, Time extracts its toll,
with the clock tickin' by, love travels in a hyperbole.

Its sad, but its true, yeah baby, when I'm with you
I'm fakin' it too.

What was "ours" once has become "your" and "mine"
often the fake diamonds better original's shine.

No wonder we say, "I love you too"
it's true baby, when I'm with you, I'm fakin' it too.

It was meant to be a love sweet and tender and deep
but its too dry and shallow, wonder what makes it ....

A love too hard to swallow.

A love too hard to swallow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dilliwalah!! (An Ode to my city)

Politics, corruption,MMS
money, crime , education cess..
living in Dilli .......Nothing less!!!

Page 3 Divas at celeb dos
exotic food and angrezi booze
BPO life time for asnooze!

punjabi weddings, traffic jams
cyber peep shows, lil web cams
heavy US accent, babe from dehradoon
call centre a cultural boon.

women's safety, domestic abuse
police measures forever obtuse
rushing crowds at accident site
no helping hand to a victim's plight
good samaritan, vanishing tribe
sensational scandal, scavenging scribe

Multiplex and opulent malls
kissing in the air, fair weather pals
all is in abundance when you come to see
rocking , ravishing sadi dilli....
only thing missing is a lil bit of soul..
kahan milegi bol baby bol..........

The Other side of glass Wall

With my eyes open wide....i drift into the world of fantasy... Flashing lights, moving cars, beautiful people...and the sights of luxuryI see them (in awe..) with my eyes open wide...........................oblivious to the world on the other side.....(of the glass wall)

And when the spirits of the night sags....I reach my pad and hit the the pitch darkness of black..............My eyes close to fantasy..and the mind that was numb so far awakens to the banshee...called reality......

I see those children with the boney chests....there skeletal mothers with no feed in their breasts...charging at me if I were a beast.........accusing me of brutality...."how could you "is what they ask me you see us and turn your face away.......we die in hunger and in abundance you sway....have the brands adorning you, made you see us all the time and yet pretend not to find....You despise us....we do so too...we carry the weight of you luxury...what do you do?

The question haunts me till the time I open my eyes.....(wide shut to reality)and carry on for yet another day....chasing my fantasy......

An Unfinished Sandwich

As the low notes of the instrumental music sifted thru my was as if in slow motion that was a beautiful saturday , I was alone with my writing pad whech has offlate become my manfriday when I go off on these Robinson crusoe like lonely trips amidst a crowd that keeps building around me in the Barista that I frequent.

The warm lights bouncing of those sunrise textured yellow-orange walls....the glass walls giving a view of shoppaholics outside..the candyfloss guy, the balloon guy, the churan walla...the laughing women and kids...the business like gentlemen discussingpolitics, business, wives and all evils concerned with the mentioned subjects....Crowd was building up...I was slowly gazing at people as if I was a painter that day and they were my subject, my creation...the warm and happy hues is what I could see on my canvas...the brightness...the fairness...the healthy glow on the faces...eating , talking , sipping , laughing..playing guitar all was good especially on a saturday.

As I was about to munch on the slimmers choice veggie sandwich (yuK..but no choice left)...I spotted something on my canvas...a tiny blotch...amongst all riches, happiness and glow...I could see a a pair of eyes...accompanied by the misplaced grime on the cheeks by the tears which must have rolled down a few hours back...flaky and dry skin...jute like hair that would put the punk hairdressers to shame....the brownish greyish gaze of those six year old eyes made me put back my sandwich back on the plate.

She noticed I was looking at her....She wasnt begging....her eyes were...she kept looking on without any expression....i looked at her and ask..."Do you want to eat?"....she didnt move...I asked her again....the guard outside...suddenly thought it was his duty to shoo away the little thing...charged towards her....I got up went outside..towards her too...she ran...I walked briskly towards her direction...on the turn she disappeared...I could see her tiny naked footsteps on the sand that embalmed the road.....till about fifty yards and then crash into the tyre marks of a braking sedan...the crowd had builtup there....I could smell the burning rubber in the air....I felt sick....I turned back...ran towards my home.....and as I was passing the Barista, where it all started...I saw the Janitor dumping my unfinished sandwich into the bin......