Monday, November 22, 2010

My lonely Apartment.

 The sunshine plays hide and seek with my window's curtains,
 The autumn breeze sneaks in through the open doors.
 The rain drops line up against the glass panels to peek in.....
Sometimes I wait for them to turn up and interrupt my conversation with the ever present silence of the walls.

Sometimes the dripping tap of kitchen calls me,
Sometimes the fridge shudders to attract my attention.
The light blinks a couple of times to break the monotony of quiet.
Sometimes the doors move slightly ajar to declare their presence.

As the noises from the outside permeate the still air of my home.
My Mirror complains of loneliness as its tired of being mates with my reflection.
The pillows can't fight anymore, lying next to each other in stillness.
The sheets missing the embrace of two.
My solitude  recently told me that its feeling blue,
And, I wonder aloud, how many more winters I'd have to spend
before my window, my mirror, my doors, my pillow and this home
has you.

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