Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Aurora of Dreams

Leaving the dark skies behind,
I sail towards those Northern lights.
A chill crawls up my spine , its not
the fear of unknown but the excitement
for the uncertain. I'm standing on the decks of 
life, looking forward to those flickering hues with varied themes,
that light up the horizon in front of me.
I'm trying to touch the Aurora of my Dreams.

The hues light up my mind space,
creating a kaleidoscope of emotions.
I didn't know existed.I'm in love with
life and its vagaries that I've always resisted.
I don't want to look into the crystal ball.
I don't want to see how the future seems.
I'm trying to touch the Aurora of my Dreams.

Now life was never this magnificent,
perhaps I never wanted it to be.
I always saw it in the shades I wanted to see.
lived it the way I wanted to be.
I struggled to take control at the wheel,
only to crash into an abyss.
Now I stand with my arms open wide to embrace,
all its colors and all its themes.
I'm in the middle of the
Aurora of My Dreams.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

While you've been looking away.

I've lost my sleep to the thoughts of you and me
and what all we could be.
I've given fantasies a free run on the haloed grounds
of my heart to conjure up images of a future that I want to see.

I've been trying to hide the obvious from you and yet hoping for you to feel
its the webs of an ugly reality that I've wanted  to peel
to clear the way for you to sway.
I've loved and lost you
and all this While you've been looking away.

I've wanted to hold you in my arms so tight that you could
feel the sound of my heart.
I want you to hear the beat it plays
all the songs for you it sings and all the things it says.
ignore all the signs if you really must and if you may
I've surrendered my being to your love
and all this while you've been looking away.

now, you may have heard things like this before
a web of lies from a different source.
You may be cynical as hell, I can look in you eyes and tell
But for me its real I know, its no "shallow" hearts play
I've slowly melted my self in the fires of love for you
and all this while you've been looking away.

It's your choice if you chose to disbelieve
It's okay if you don't sway.
For my dreams don't need the crutches of approval
I will wait for you as long as it takes
Its true love for you that my eyes betray
and I'll burn in the pyres of dreams till eternity
and all this while you'll be looking away.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When it rains

I walk on the bed of wet leaves on a solitary sidewalk
Sky is a curtain of  dark abstract patterns
which render forms to my imagination.
The clouds rumble on like speeding trains
I don't know how to explain how I feel
When it rains.

Some people like it and some feel gloom
those tiny birds celebrate  the occasion
by drinking the droplets of heavenly tears
from the petals of flowers in bloom.
something gives me a little hope in my heart
and takes away all its pains
I don't know how to express, how I feel 
When it rains.

 I like those little beads of water forming on the edges
of awnings, the whiff of fresh air that hits my face
in these wet mornings.
The sweet smell of your dreams  in my eyes
your thoughts like speeding cars on my heart's plains
Oh! how I feel when it rains.

I don't mind being alone while I stand on the roof 
drenched by the soft drops from heaven
 that free my mind of its chains
Oh, I wish I could tell you, how I feel when it rains.

Now, it maybe my wanton dream that may go unrequited
to dance with you a soul tango under the moonlit sky
but my heart beats this desire that knows no constrains
My love,My Life , My everything
Do I really need to tell you how I feel
"When it Rains"

Monday, September 20, 2010


I've wanted to break out, I've wanted to be free,
I've wanted to forget you, I've wanted to let you be.
I've wanted to move on, I've wanted to leave this pain behind,
I've wanted to stop dreaming about you, I've wanted you out of my mind.

I've wanted to love someone else, I've wanted to hold someone near,
I've wanted to run to a place , where not being with you is not a fear.
I've wanted to stop writing you love songs, only I read,
I've wanted to block your thoughts and the fantasies they feed.

I've wanted to hate you, I've wanted to separate you from my soul,
I've tried saving my self from drowning in your thoughts
looking for a shoal.

I've wanted so much to be able to ignore you,
I've wanted to stop thinking about the impossibility of our oneness
and stop feeling blue.

I don't know why I do this to my self
or what do I have in this to gain
the truth is, I'm just a romantic fool
who's addicted to pain.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Anatomy of an Infatuation

There are many names given to this phenomenon.

Crush, Attraction, Lust, Puppy Love.

Dictionary describes it as "foolish or all-absorbing passion", we all seem to agree, don't we?

In fact there is so much  written about love and puritan nature of it  through the ages that somewhere the infatuation has been unduly relegated to a more shallow or transient role in the paradigm of amorous relationships. 

Infatuation is a far more exciting state of heart and mind than love. That tinge of insecurity, coupled with humongous amounts of passion. The dream fueled state of what could be. Its engaging, heart breaking, exciting, frustrating and an amalgamation of undefined emotions all at once.

Now, there could be a counter argument to this but there is no denying that infatuation is in fact a stepping stone towards love. But this is popular theory. love compared to infatuation is a more relaxed and measured state of mind. Its comforting and cozy but it also is complacent. And thats my problem with love. 

You could love some one, in fact you love a lot of people. your mother, father, siblings, wife, dog..and not necessarily in that order. But you could not feel the same love for every one. its nature and ways of expressing differ. Now some people would say love is complex. I'd have to say NO.

Love is simple, uncomplicated. Beautiful but not as engaging as an infatuation. the point I'm driving here is that Love and infatuation are two entirely different emotions. For an amorous relationship to work a heady mix of both are required. 

What is a relationship between a woman and a man, if it is not exciting, heartbreaking , elevating, depressing, passionate, unreasonable, dreamy, unreal, comforting yet unpredictable..........and all of it at once. Love can be comforting to a great degree but without the unpredictable and foolish nature of infatuation, it is not complete.

Ask couples who have been together by choice and not by compulsion. What makes them click?
A full 100% of them would say that the sheer excitement of being with each other. now they may not call it being infatuated with each other but it means that same word.

What is disappointing that infatuation is regarded as foolish as it is considered transient. But then all good things are rare. So now I ask you... is it true love or true infatuation? Imagine feeling the butterflies in the stomach, that funny bittersweet feeling when you wake up and see the person sleeping next to you. That feeling of being on the tenterhooks, that feeling of putting your best foot forward. That feeling of seeing or being able to see no wrong in your companion. when even their flaws add to their charm. Can many of us do it for the rest of our lives? No. But the one who can. Ask them what it feels like to be infatuated.

love does not conquer all, but love mixed with infatuation surely does.

Every body says " I love you" , very few people say "I'm infatuated by you". I would rather be infatuated with someone for the rest of my life.

But thats me, As for's  a free  country. Right?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Macabre tale of love

Live's path has been fraught with
macabre tales of love.

I started out on a lovestruck journey, to find
A carcass of wanton dream
rotting in the heart's cove.

I saw the ghosts of deceit
feeding on the souls of the lovers fooled.
leaving a hollow cavity of misery
where the glowing ambers of promises
and the fire of love cooled.

The pus of despair oozed
out of every pore of the rotting flesh
of the false promises made.
The black blood of passion
coagulating on betrayal's blade.

I passed by so many burning pyres
of unrequited dreams .
I saw so many hollow promises
and love struck eyes with dreamy gleams.

I now convulse when I hear those
three words, for they bring a never ending pain.
I almost drown ,when those deceived eyes begin to rain.
The tears are like acid burning into the skin of my soul.
I set on a long arduous journey, but the greatest pitfall
became my goal.

Now as I grope for hope in the darkness
of the empty void that took me in its swallow
Every moment is an eternity as my soul rest on the gallows

I close my eyes for the blade to strike
before I lose my head, before my heart is pierced by the pike.

I look back for an instant that seems like an eternity
I laugh at the brutal irony of it all and In muted agony I groan
as I realise
The carcass of dreams that I saw on the way
was of my own.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Passion Power Play!

I've spent many twilights
I've spent many a dawn
Thinking I am your man
While I've just been a pawn.

For all the games you play
I've been here to stay.

Never considered moving on
I guess I had that masochistic desire
to be a victim of your con.

I like the way you played with me
I love the way you led me on
Only to drop me
The moment I begin to fawn.

You've always held the key
coz You've never cared
I've played the fool
for my heart was bared.

I 've been licking the wounds you've inflicted
I like the taste of my own blood
and as my soul bleeds
and my eyes drowned by the flood

I look at you with love thats everlasting
and it's always gonna stay
and you can go on hurting me

with all the games you play.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Icarian dream.

Don't mourn my fate
for I knew I had a date, with my destiny.
Don't shed no tear or lament
for I soared high before I fell from the sky.

The fall was hard and the seas were deep
but I kept a promise that I promised to keep.
I tried, I lived
My Icarian dream.

You wanted me to stop , you wanted me to slow down
you wanted me to be safe but you wanted me to bow down.

Yes the sun's rays were harsh, they melted my wings
yes they seared my skin and sent me plunging.

It took my life, but it couldn't take my soul
for I lived my Icarian dream.

I know you think I was a fool
I know I angered the gods
I know i challenged the order of things
I know I was bound to fail
but I'm happy I didn't crawl
I'm happy I stood up and
lived my Icarian dream.

Tell the sun to be ready for me
Tell the gods to sharpen their spears
for I will come back to prevail
to soar and to sail
and yet again to