Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Icarian dream.

Don't mourn my fate
for I knew I had a date, with my destiny.
Don't shed no tear or lament
for I soared high before I fell from the sky.

The fall was hard and the seas were deep
but I kept a promise that I promised to keep.
I tried, I lived
My Icarian dream.

You wanted me to stop , you wanted me to slow down
you wanted me to be safe but you wanted me to bow down.

Yes the sun's rays were harsh, they melted my wings
yes they seared my skin and sent me plunging.

It took my life, but it couldn't take my soul
for I lived my Icarian dream.

I know you think I was a fool
I know I angered the gods
I know i challenged the order of things
I know I was bound to fail
but I'm happy I didn't crawl
I'm happy I stood up and
lived my Icarian dream.

Tell the sun to be ready for me
Tell the gods to sharpen their spears
for I will come back to prevail
to soar and to sail
and yet again to


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